Friday, September 21, 2012


    Maybe it's that I'm feeling sentimental.... or maybe I've been thinking too much today.... or too much lately period....Or maybe it's that I'm inspired... Maybe it's the opportunity to be surrounded by so many positive and passionate people at once... all trying to sort through this thing we call life.... who have all had their share of challenges, bad decisions, or never thought they would qualify as someone to give any kind of advice on success because deep down inside they didn't feel that they had achieved any certain level of success themselves.... though in the eyes of all of us, they most certainly had. Their words resonate inside me....even now.  I think of what it would feel like if it were me in their place.  Of what it would be like standing there, before a large auditorium filled with wondering eyes, and sharing some of the most difficult things in my life with a group of complete strangers....the things that have made me who I am today...the fear of what they would think...what they would say... struggling to make it through answers, trying to give some half-wit advice about success without wavering, and knowing that I absolutely must in order to make a difference in their lives....

    Today, I learned, or was reminded, of many things... to stop worrying about running the entire marathon, but to run the mile you are in.... that being "fine" is something I create and have the power to change into something real.... that with every mistake or situation we encounter, we take with us into the future, one heavy load at a time.....weighing us down even more... That we have the power to draw anything on our canvas of life that we desire... the only one holding us back, is ourselves.... to stop feeding into unhealthy relationships that don't allow you to be your authentic self.  I know, it's sounds a bit like a therapy session, but absolutely necessary.

     Do not let your struggles or your "situations" define your life.  Let them change your life and make you better.... stronger, more equipped to help someone, when they find themselves asking how could this possibly be happening to them.  Not everyone is dealt the best hand....but you were dealt the hand in front of you and you have no choice, but to play the best hand you possibly can.... I read today that "great art can only come from a place of immense pain, and that the resulting work is beautiful because it is motivated by the purest and most authentic of emotions:  sadness...."  Don't allow yourself to linger there for too long... immerse yourself in it, scream at, cry your eyes out at it, cuss it out, grieve about, create something extraordinary from it, and then tuck it away in the past where it belongs.... in a place where though you will never forget it is there, you make a conscious decision to leave it where it most absolutely needs to be left...

     When asked to write our own legacy today... a legacy of how if there were no tomorrow, or even no remainder of today how I would like to be remembered using the statements I am... I stand for... I am committed to, I very selectively and carefully chose this -- "I am, a possibility of anything.  I stand for, life, love, adventure, friendship, and opportunity.  I am committed to, making each day count." What would your legacy be?  How do you want to be remembered?  And how are you going to make "it" all count?  Live less "one days" and "somedays" and make today the day.  Time is precious.  It's easy to loose ourselves in the daily mundane tasks....the in-extraordinary moments of a day.  Don't get lost -- not in sadness, in trials, in challenges, in the past, in the future... Just enjoy the ride. I know it sounds cliche, but seriously, roll the windows down, play the music on the radio so loud you can feel it vibrate through your entire body... sing at the very top of your lungs.... and know that in that very moment... everything is exactly the way it should be.... and be grateful for it... truly grateful. Because in the end, it is all these little moments that make up the greatness of one's life..... it's all those little moments that we will look back with fondness and think "wow, those really were the best days of my life."  Life has a funny way of telling you exactly what you need to hear when you need to hear it, but you have to be listening.  Not just "hearing," but genuinely listening... with your heart and your soul... because it is there, where the real answers are... inside you.... deep, deep inside you... in your intuition, in your thoughts, in the dark corners of your heart, in the hope that lives within you... whispering the words that you so desperately need to hear...

The question is, are you listening?

-- End sentimental random rant --